Wednesday, April 18, 2012

TR: Wynn H2O surprise, Bartolotta's, Social House, Poker

March Madness is a great time to be in Vegas! Definitely must visit again next year.

Three free nights at the Wynn was too good of an offer to pass up, so off bf and I went to Vegas even though our last two poker trips were not particularly profitable.

The Wynn really is a beautiful hotel, even if I am partial to Bellagio. I enjoyed the not-so-crazy atmosphere and the gorgeous mosaic tiles. I%26#39;ve stayed there once before. Check-in was fine, if a bit scattered. Spacious room, love the tiled shower with the bench (though a touch smaller than Bellagio%26#39;s) and loved the bed facing the golf course.

Coming up: Poker and Water surprise

TR: Wynn H2O surprise, Bartolotta's, Social House, Poker

The poker rooms were the busiest I%26#39;ve seen in my last few trips - lots of college kids in town meant fairly good playing conditions. BF won a lot playing $1-$2 NL, while I got bored and bluffed left and right.

There was one unpleasant episode where a lady kept talking about what was on the board (';Oh, he could have a straight'; or ';Ooo, a Royal Flush is possible.';) She and her bf were rubbing people the wrong way with their ';richer than thou'; attitude. After the first few times the dealer said something and I explained how other players might get upset. She kept doing it over and over! Finally I said ';AGAIN, you can not talk about what is on the board,'; and she and her bf just lost it, yelling at me that I couldn%26#39;t tell her what to do, and how I shouldn%26#39;t be on my cell phone, etc.

The poker staff straightned them out and I went to work off my aggression on the $10-$20 NL at Bellagio. Well the deck hit me over the head there and I was able to get paid off given that one of my first hands was 5-6 that hit a 6 on the flop and I called to the river because I felt that I was good (I was right). Weeeee, my lowly $800 buyin quickly transformed into nearly 2 grand.

posting tomorrow: water and electricity don%26#39;t seem to mix, do they?

TR: Wynn H2O surprise, Bartolotta's, Social House, Poker

Anxiously waiting for the balance of your report.

1/2------%26gt;10/20...standard obv. Nice to have your luckbox tuned up for when you are playing 10 x the stakes you just played at.

Well done sir.

Good TR, waiting patiently for the rest.

aaaces - yeah, I was glad my luck wasn%26#39;t in the opposite direction, that would have been painful!! :)

So, after playing poker til the wee hours of the morning I crawl into bed around 8:00. Not wanting to waste any of my precious gambling time, I drag my sorry behind into the shower about and hour and a half later. BF barges in saying

';There%26#39;s water spraying from the ceiling!!!';

Well, duhhhhh, of course there is, I%26#39;m thinking to myself, I%26#39;m taking a shower.

After some confusion (recall the lack of sleep) it becomes apparent that water is coming out of the light fixtures over the tub and in the hallway. At first I%26#39;m none too happy to get out of my wake up shower, but the threat of being electrocuted finally gets me moving.

This is no ordinary drip, it is serious water, about 1/3 of what comes out of a normal shower. I%26#39;m thinking someone must have drowned the floor above us. Call down to the front desk, who seems more concerned with finding us a new room than fixing the problem!

Twenty minutes later we finally flag someone down and they come in and look at it. They are really pretty clueless but clean it up efficiently. We can hear water pipes being turned off above us. When asked if they thought it was safe to use the shower again, they weren%26#39;t really sure, but said ';probably.'; LOL, good thing my life insurance is up to date!

I guess I%26#39;ll save Bartolotta%26#39;s and Social House for later. I%26#39;ll try to dig up another poker story too.

Probably???? Gawd....

Wish you had

So did you get another room then? I would have been upset over that incident :(

Low - I wish I had more pics! I need to get a small camera. I have a digital SLR but lately I don%26#39;t want to bother with the hassle of bringing it on the plane along with my laptop, etc.

Ducky - We ended up just staying in the same room given that the water was only in the tub (how convenient!) and the hallway. I%26#39;m one of those who only wants to unpack once on a trip, so I didn%26#39;t pursue it. I suppose I could have tried asking for some sort of compensation, but since it was a free room anyway....

Chicago, just pick up a small digital and keep it in your pocket. That%26#39;s what I did. Headed to, found the top rated one, then purchased it.

Of course I%26#39;m guessing you do have pockets when showering, LOL

Well fresh from my huge poker winnings we decide to splurge on a great restaurant for the evening (Friday night). Deciding between Bartolotta%26#39;s Ristorante di Mare and SW, both at the Wynn. Decide to save SW for when we can be outside and enjoy the waterfall show.

On our way in we meet Paul Bartolotta, and he is as gracious as could be. We congratulate him on his advancement in the James Beard awards and thinkt he vening is off to a fabulous start. :) The waiter, Alessandro, is one of those over-the-top Italian waiters, somewhat charming but lacking in sincerity. Whenever we ask about a dish or drink it%26#39;s ';His favorite, and if you don%26#39;t eat/drink it I will.'; It%26#39;s funny the first time.

I was definitely in the mood for dessert, so I decided on an appetizer (cappesante dorate con porcini, or seared sea scallops with porcini mushrooms 24.00) and a primi piatti (seafood with ';rags'; of pasta) while bf orders the tagliatelle con porcini

(hand made ribbon pasta with porcini mushrooms 16.00) appetizer with the steak (costata di manzo al sangiovese pan seared 18 oz. ribeye in a sangiovese wine sauce 47.00).

We both love the appetizers!!! The scallop dish is perfectly complemented with a lemon dressing, arugula, and shavings of parmesan. The mushrooms smooth out the acidity perfectly and the scallops are absolutely perfectly seared - melt-in-your mouth.

The main courses appear and look wonderful. Unfortunately we have no silverware. We wait patiently. Still no silverware. We try to catch Alessandro%26#39;s eye, but he is flying by us so quickly to get to other tables (more people, ordering more drinks and the more expensive fish, apparently). We flag by random waitstaff and finally get silverware.

Both entrees are good, but the rags of pasta truly live up to its reputation. The pinot noir brings out the pepper in the sauce..... it would have been more pleasant if I hadn%26#39;t had to pour my own second glass. Once again Alessandro is missing. At least I had some at the table - Bf%26#39;s soda goes without a refill.

We decide to split a dessert (some chocolate cake, good but not great. We are ready for the bill. You guessed it.... nowhere in sight. A. again flies by our table several times but is impossible to flag down. Finally the bill is dropped off as if he is a FedEx delivery guy - drop %26#39;n run. Of course, there are four drinks from the other table on it. After 10 minutes of trying to get his attention we flag down another waitstaff. We see this waitstaff telling A, who never bothers to stop by to apologize.

Great food, but I will not return. $232 for two people is a great deal of money to spend on food and I don%26#39;t think good service is too much to expect with it.

Later: The Social House makes the trip

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