When I was last in vegas - 10 years ago, me and the missus generally stuck to beer when ordering from a waitress while gambling.
Anyway - this time she has said she wants cocktails, bacardi %26amp; cokes etc.
So, can I get free cocktails while gambling?
Also - is there any places to steer clear off that say give horrible cocktails?/
Many Thanks
What free drinks can you order when gambling?to add to the OP%26#39;s question, will CWs serve Redbull/Vodkas?
What free drinks can you order when gambling?beer, well drinks, wine.
You can ask for spacific brands, they may be able to accomidate you.
What do you class as ';well drinks';? Sorry, not heard that term before in the UK.
You can get house brand whatever you want pretty much everywhere. Last year at the Venetian they served Redbull in poker room
In general, the nicer the casino, the nicer the drink.
A well drink uses whatever cheap brand of liquor is the house brand. ';Rum and Coke'; is a well drink. ';Bacardi and Coke'; is a call drink. Always (always!) call your drink. Worst case is the CW tells you they don%26#39;t have that brand. Bacardi won%26#39;t be a problme at most Vegas casinos.
Vegas is weird when it comes to Red Bull. You can get Patron easier than Red Bull. Ask, but expect to be told, ';no';.
Things have tightened up a bit; some places will comp only certain brands, or you need to be playing more (coins in a bartop machine, I mean) to continue getting comped. At NYNY, they would comp a Makers Manhattan, but only on the rocks, not straight up?!?
So, you can get better than well brands, but don%26#39;t get your heart set on super premium brands.
Finally, the more upscale places pour better (bigger, oftentimes better brands) drinks than the lower tier places; the cocktails at Bellagio are much nicer than those at Excalibur, for example...
So is a cocktail then a call drink or does it depend on the cocktail you request?
Now we are getting into a bit of semantics. In general word usage, a ';mixed drink'; is a drink mixing two or more things, at least one of which is alcoholic. Technically, a ';cocktail'; is a subset of mixed drink (based mostly on what mixer you use) but I don%26#39;t know anyone in the real world that makes a distinction. Heck, most folks probably use the word cocktail for any alcoholic drink other than straight beer or wine.
A ';well drink'; is just a cocktail where you don%26#39;t specify what brand of booze is used.
I have seen folks order Red Bull and Vodka. Whether it is authentic Red Bull, I don%26#39;t know. Probably depends on the casino.
Besides beer, wine and drinks such as rum and coke, scotch and water you can also order such drinks as martini%26#39;s, long Island Iced Tea, Pina Colada%26#39;s, etc.
Strict rule on you can only order one drink for one person, and you can not order a ';double shot';.
The strongest drink I have ordered and was served, which has rum, gin, tequila, vodka, triple sec, blue curacao, with sweet and sour mix is called an ';Adios';.
I always have a Colorado bulldog (here in Canada we call it a vodka paralyser) and have had no problem ordering it anywheres
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