Thursday, April 19, 2012

Las Vegas Addiction?

And Im not addicted to gambling! Honestly, I recently got back from a trip for a geography conference and cant wait to return...

I love how there are so many different areas: the strip, downtown, off-strip, etc...each offering its own unique thing.

It will probably be a while until my next trip (and my financial situation isnt exactly great) but Ive found myself thinking about what I would do, where I would eat, stay, drink...etc. next time Im there. I feel like a Vegas addict.

Its wierd because Im not some typical elevator-music listening tourist. I play pedal steel bluesy guitar in a couple of bands, enjoy writing and reading, etc. People thought i would hate Las Vegas and warned me for its superficiality and unoriginality, but I honestly thought it was amazingly vibrant and that beneath the surface there actually was a lot of character (although I will admit most of the music blaring out onto the strip sucked, but downtown played some great music).

I found it to be a great town that brings out great energy and literally cant wait to go back and have more fun...

What can I do to tie myself over for the next year or however long?

Las Vegas Addiction?

No need to feel like you have a problem. There%26#39;s many of us out here! I%26#39;ve been to Vegas 30-40 times but there%26#39;s still something special about waking up knowing I%26#39;m heading to LV in a few hours.... :-)

All sorts of people are Vegas fans. I%26#39;d like to feel I%26#39;m a pretty cultured sort of guy. I visit galleries and check out architecture when I travel. I love all music from classical through jazz via scuzzy punk. I love Vegas simply because of the escape it offers from the reality of everyday life. It%26#39;s only superficial if you believe that the Venetian is really like Venice and Caesars is a close replica of ancient Rome. Take these places for what they are - fun! Where else will you find such fine dining alongside downbeat joints offering $1 beers plus entertainment choices that are virtually never ending?

I still plan my trips constantly. I%26#39;ll be there in May but am already thinking about October. It%26#39;s a fun way of passing the time. My suggestion is that you visit this forum regularly until your next trip. We%26#39;re the only people that truly understand. You%26#39;ll get great advice and tips from people that you%26#39;d never see elsewhere and you%26#39;ll find the time will pass a little quicker!

Welcome to the forum and have fun planning your trip... :-)

Las Vegas Addiction?

I totally agree with Blagger....and reading TA is a great way to pass the time between trips to Sin City. I live in Europe and have (and still do) traveled all over the globe for work and for fun. But I never get excited about any trips more than the ones I plan (twice a year) to Vegas. There%26#39;s something about it that keeps drawing you back...where else in the world is one so anxious to go throw their money away and be so happy about it? I%26#39;m generally a pretty frugal person....but when I hit Vegas - it%26#39;s like another world and anything goes!

Viva Las Vegas!

Good call...Reading this board has been a great way to experience Vegas vicasriously over the last few days!

ME TOO!!! I live on the east coast, and our financial situation only allows us a trip every other year. We do a vacation once a year, and in the off year, we go to an all-inclusive beach resort or a cruise. I can honestly say, as much as I LOOOOOOVE the beach, I don%26#39;t get 1/2 as excited for our beach or cruise vacations as I do our Vegas ones!

We%26#39;re going again in July, this time to get married! I%26#39;ve always dreamed of a Vegas wedding, and never thought it would happen, but it really is. So the wedding will add to the excitement of the Vegas trip. God, I don%26#39;t know if I%26#39;ll make it til July!!!!!

My fiance%26#39;s favorite thing to say when describing Las Vegas is ';It%26#39;s totally plastic, but they do it SO well!'; I agree with that a of the strip certainly. But there is also just SO much more to Vegas. This trip we plan on visiting some ';dive'; bars off Fremont street. Never done this, so looking forward to it.

No matter how many times you visit Las Vegas, there is ALWAYS something new to do! Plus, it%26#39;s always changing, which makes that statement even more true.

Blagger...I envy you living in Irvine. I used to live in Chino, so was able to visit LV much more often. That was my only downside to moving back east. Well, that and this crappy weather!!!!!


Tipsie, my address may be Irvine but I spend a great deal of time working in Asia (I%26#39;m in China right now), which is why I tend to post at weird times of the day as far as the US is concerned.

It is a great place to live, even more so as Vegas is so close. Funny thing is I actually made more Vegas trips when I lived on the east coast back in the 80s and early 90s, but that was when I was free and single..... :-)

Hi screen name is Malv and I am an 8 year LV addict! Welcome...we do not have a 12 step program to break your addiction; only lots of posts and TR%26#39;s to make you wish you were there 24/7!!!

I totally agree that the addiction is strange and hits people that you would never expect. I live in the country, am frugal generally about my spending, but I get to Vegas and I am living an alter ego!

You probably will not wait a year to go back! I go 3-4 times a year, and when I am not there, I am planning my next trip.

Blagger...thank you for making me feel better, knowing that you are farther away from Vegas than I am at the moment. Altho, it really doesn%26#39;t do me any good, now does it? lol

A 12-step program for Vegas addicts? That%26#39;s a GREAT idea! I think you hit it on the head;s called the LV Forum and planning your next trip!

The funny/weird thing is that I had looked at posts of people who had moved there because they loved it so much. The overwhelming feeling was that they didn%26#39;t recommend it, and really didn%26#39;t like it. A lot of people were looking to move away. So it seems that if you%26#39;re not a Vegas native, it may be hard to move there. Heck, I%26#39;ll still give it a try if the opportunity ever presents itself!!

Treland, just remeber your among friends here.

(We%26#39;re all in the same addict%26#39;s boat so to speak).

I fell in love with Vegas the first time my best friend and I visited some ten years ago. Now going with lovely wife. She,like you does not gamble, but she also has fallen under the Vegas spell. There is something for everybody, be it gambling, partying, people watching, entertainment, great restaurants in all price ranges, or like Shell, just doing alone time in the room pampering herself and enjoying the getaway. Like the other%26#39;s have said, this is where you visit when you can%26#39;t be there in person.

(welcome to the;ll be surprised how many of us are out there)

Hi... My name is Dana. And I%26#39;m a Las Vegas addict.

I absolutely LOVE Las Vegas. I talk about it CONSTANTLY, CONTINUOUSLY, OBSESSIVELY. Those who have never been do not understand the addictive nature of Las Vegas. The sights, the sounds, the smells. I feel like I have Vegas pumping through my veins.

I leave for Vegas in 5 days. I CAN NOT WAIT!!! I%26#39;m going with 12 of my friends. We%26#39;re doing it BIG. I first feel in love with Vegas when I was 16. My mom took myself,some of my cousins, and my boyfriend for my 16th birthday. I remember driving on the Strip with my mouth hanging open saying ';WOW. OOOOO....WOW. LOOK!!!'; I didn%26#39;t make it back to Vegas until I was 23, and I%26#39;ve gone once a year ever since. It%26#39;s my absolute favorite place to vacation.

Once you have been to Vegas you know you have to come back. Bad things happen if you never return again. lol Just keep reading this forum. The nice part- Vegas changes so rapidly that you will find out the newest and the best just by reading the posts on this forum.

I think I have spent over 800 days in Vegas- and I still haven%26#39;t gotten to the point where I can say: ENOUGH!!!

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