Are they all free? You just tip the CW say $1??
Drinks while playing slots
Drinks while playing slots
Generally yes to both.
You can%26#39;t get every premium liquor brand, but you don%26#39;t have to take just the house brands.
$1 is the minimum; if you want more attentive/frequent service, it should be no surprise that a little larger ($2-4) tip can work wonders!
Yes. But you%26#39;ll get better service, generally, if you tip a little more -- $2, $3 per drink.
Don%26#39;t gamble just for the drinks, its really expensive... ;)
Thanks all! I%26#39;m really not a heavy drinker, so I don%26#39;t really want the CW coming back that often! If she did then I probably would end up gambling much more than I normally do, but I guess that%26#39;s the point, isn%26#39;t it? LOL!
I have no luck getting more attention with bigger tips. $1, $5 it%26#39;s all the same speed of service. Must be me.
this last trip we were happily tipping $1 a drink playing monopoly. The cocktail waitress was coming round bringin us drinks every 15-20 minuites. After about 5 or 6 i tipped her $5 (i had no more $1 bills) she asked me if i wanted change- i said no dont worry about it, just bring us another drink on your next round! Oh yeah...2 hours later she still hadnt returned!! I thought that was quite cheeky!
Last time I tipped $5 the CW seemed to be there everytime I turned around. I had to say no at least 3 times. Oh, the shame.
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