Saturday, April 21, 2012

Best place for souviners?

I know this probably sounds silly-but we%26#39;re going for the first time-I know all the hotels have gift shops, but are there places that have the usual stuff-t-shirts etc., that are a little less expensive than the hotels? I know in Florida, they have some stores where they sell Disney stuff a lot cheaper than buying it at Disney-have to bring home some stuff for the kids! thanks~

Best place for souviners?

Not the classiest store in town by a long way, but I think this may be just what you%26#39;re looking for.... :-)

Best place for souviners?

Perfect!! Just what I was looking for-cheap and tacky!! Thanks--

cheap and tacky

Oh, then you will love Bonanaza! If it is not cheap and/or tacky- you won%26#39;t find it there!

BONANZA is the BOMB! It%26#39;s absolutely HUGE! If they don%26#39;t have it there, good luck finding it. On a smaller level, but just as fun are the ABC Stores around town. I always go to the one on Fremont Street Downtown. (under the canopy). Happy Shopping!

I was there last saturday night and was a bit disappointed. Shelves were half empty, and alot of the real cool shirts they use to carry they don%26#39;t now. Still a must stop, but I have seen it in better shape on other visits. Also check out downtown as they have some pretty good gift shops on Freemont.

I love that store!!So many odd souvenirs that you can%26#39;t find anywhere else.I bought a toy plastic gun that uses a potato as bullets.

There is also a place on Fremont Street, to the left of Fitzgeralds, that has a lot of stuff. (left if your facing the Fitz)

And if you forget someone, there%26#39;s plenty of cheap and tacky stuff at the airport, too. Not that expensive, either.

I love, love, love tacky gift shops. Everywhere we go we bring home the most horrific tacky ashtray we can find. We have quite a collection of awfulness.

JerseyShoreGal- We used to get those potato guns when we were kids. Spud guns or spud poppers or something we called them. I assume we are talking about the same kind of thing ere you gauge out a bit with the gun barrel rather than fire a whole potato :)

That place sounds perfect! I just didn%26#39;t want to spend a fortune on t-shirts and stuff-I know this is a stretch--but my son is a huge Simpsons fan, any chance of them incorporating Homer Simpson onto a las vegas t-shirt (told you it was bit of a stretch, LOL!) Thanks Guys--

After all the discussion here about The World%26#39;s Largest Gift Shop/Bonanza I finally visited the place last summer or the summer before. It was just a collection of junk. Really crummy merchandise. A complete waste of time and I paid for a taxi from The Flamingo both ways to get there and back.

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